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The Brick – what traditions does your business have?

For nearly forty years (since 1984!) our friends over at TMD have presented this tatty old brick to the winner of their annual client golf tournament.

We’ve visited several times over the last 24 months – their offices are amazing (including their new branding, office signage and graphics!)

The Brick baffled us the first time we saw it, sitting smugly out-of-place in their boardroom, perched on a wooden plaque with two metal badges, each engraved with all the past winners.

Apparently, the brick was salvaged from a pile of bricks from an ex-colleague’s own house extension who built it slightly in the wrong place and suffered the consequences!

Whilst visiting recently we felt compelled to take a snap and share!

The Brick’s not tatty, it’s beautiful, it’s unique and has its own story. We need more things like this.

What great traditions have you got in your business?


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