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A compass for orientation, no matter how high the stakes

Managing Director Mark Bidwell Standing In Front Of The Bison Headquarters Holding A Copy Of The Book The Checklist

Mark Bidewell’s book recommendation:
The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande

Checklists are a deceptively simple tool that work!

Surgeon turned writer, Atul Gawande, proves this point in his book, The Checklist Manifesto. In a series of in-depth tests and studies Gawande demonstrates that, with all things being equal, the person using a checklist will consistently outperform the individual who doesn’t.

Gawande documents how he took the checklist idea, first adopted by pilots, into the operating theatre and on into the world’s hospitals. He shares his own research and demonstrates how these strategies have been implemented by major players in different industries including, medical, construction, aviation and Formula One.

Of course, the problem with a simple checklist is that professionals may feel they’re above them. My favourite example is of the surgeon who refused to use a checklist, claiming they took too long. The same surgeon then required surgery himself and he had a choice of two surgeons – one using a checklist, the other not. Guess which he chose?

There are actually two types of checklists: ‘Check done’ and ‘Read do’

Take aviation for example – a ‘check done’ list is part of a pre-flight procedure: everybody onboard, check, baggage onboard, check etc …

A ‘read do’ checklist is the disaster manual Boeing compiled and continually evolve with each incident. An important note in the book is that mistakes are a cheap lesson learned. So, let’s imagine a worst-case scenario of a plane cruising at 30,000 feet when one of the engines cuts out or the doors blow off. The crew will consult the manual and follow the corresponding ‘read do’ checklist.

I love the story-telling aspect of this book to communicate the message. There are many examples of extraordinary people doing dumb things simply because they had no checklist and were met with an unexpected or fast-moving situation. With a checklist – even just the vital four at the end of a patient’s bed – there’s always a compass for orientation, no matter how high the stakes.

How I’ve benefited from The Checklist Manifesto

• Implemented BISON’s successful relocation to our new 350% larger HQ

• Planned a twelve-week marathon programme

• Mapped out jobs, including branding projects, design, print and signage work

• The BISON BLUEPRINT stemmed from this book – our indispensable checklists deliver the best quality and service to maximise the benefits to our clients



Creating checklists supports continuous improvement – something we are always keen to share, learn and collaborate with others on this journey. If this is on your radar too, drop me an email I’d love to hear from you.

Call 01622 677 541 or email mark@madebybison.co.uk


Mark Bidewell
Managing Director


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