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A night at the private viewing of ‘Eating Our Way To Extinction’


Mark had the pleasure of meeting Made In Chelsea star/co-founder of Clean Kitchen Club, Verity Bowditch and Ludo Brockway Film Producer/Co-Director of the film ‘Eating Our Way To Extinction’ in the flagship Clean Kitchen restaurant in Battersea Power Station. This included joining them for a private viewing of ‘Eating Our Way To Extinction’ in Battersea’s The Cinema in the Arches.



Mark says…

I have to say the movie was one of – if not the – most impactful ‘WTF’ movies I have ever seen (more about that in a minute …)

My wonderful team BISON just won the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce / MidKent College ‘Sustainability and Decarbonisation of the year’ award so I am especially keen to make sure we continue to push hard and not get complacent.

Collaborating and finding inspiration from people and businesses outside our industry to support climate justice is massive.



Our food system is definitely a great space to focus on; it’s one of the biggest impacts on our planet and it’s always great and inspiring to see how people in this space are creatively overcoming challenges and how this could translate into my business too.

Clean Kitchen’s restaurant was amazing – I got to speak with Mikey Pearce (Verity’s business partner). The business is 100% plant-based but Mikey made it quite clear – it’s not just for vegans!

In fact, Mikey said their numbers were similar to Beyond Meat (whom they use) whereby circa 93% of their customer base were NOT vegan, just individuals looking to cut down on meat/dairy as now mindful of the impact it’s having on the planet and of the health benefits.



As previously remarked for me this is one of/the most impactful, eye-opening films I have ever watched and I feel honored to have shared the experience with the film Director, team Clean Kitchen, and a handful of other curious, committed, and courageous climate changers including Jennifer white and Iona Kirby of PETA

For those who don’t know executive producers for the film include Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Brandson, James Wilks (producer of The Gamechangers), and Matthew Glover (founder of Veganuary and VFC).

It also featured the legend Tony Robbins and some very credible scientists/doctors including Dr Michael Greger and Dr Gemma Newman.



One of the things that often comes up when I’ve attended ‘sustainability featured’ conferences is that individuals/some businesses feel so frustrated about how powerless/insignificant they feel in helping to protect our planet.

If you’re climate curious, or even just not interested but still care for our children and grandchildren’s future, please watch the film.

It’s a massive eye-opener and small ripples make big waves.

The film is now available to watch for free on YouTube and Amazon Prime – click here to view the trailer


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