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Sparking interest for the next generation!

Yesterday, Mark had the privilege of spending the day at MidKent College, supporting National Green Careers Week – here’s what he had to say about it…

“It was an eye-opening experience that reinforced the importance of addressing the significant skills gap in our industry. Sadly, parents no longer encourage their children to explore opportunities in the print and signage industry, and due to greenwashing, print has unfairly received a lot of negative attention.

However, I have recently made some intriguing observations within our workforce:

– An impressive 71% of our team members are under the age of forty, yet they have been with us for over a decade. We are fortunate to have a young and loyal team!

– Surprisingly, 50% of our workforce holds a graphic design degree. However, three out of four individuals have discovered other roles within our industry that they love and didn’t even know existed!

I strongly believe that it is our responsibility to share what we do and what we stand up for in the industry. We need to spark interest among the next generation and debunk a lot of the myths surrounding print and signage being harmful to the planet.

Yesterday was all about initiating conversations with curious, ambitious, and talented students. I am thrilled to share that it ended with several of them expressing a desire to visit our facilities and learn more about our work (one actually starts her work experience tomorrow 🙂

I would like to extend a massive thank you to Camilla Maurice, Lucy Druesne, Lewis O’Callaghan, Martha Collins, and everyone else involved in making this event a success.

Mark and team”

MidKent College Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Two Sides UK CC Cousins CBRE RDUK (Resource Development UK) FM Conway Ltd Maidstone Borough Council


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