01622 677 541
Over 45 years of excellence (since 1976)
01622 677 541

Whether it’s wall sticker printing or wall decal printing, making use of our first-class wall branding services is an excellent way to elevate your brand’s visibility to new heights.

At BISON, we craft impressive, informative, and imaginative office wall graphics to wow any passer-by. With our unique sustainable printing solutions and vegan printed as standard ink, you can enjoy the highest quality with no harm done to the environment.

BISON offer an extensive range of permanent and temporary wall branding options that are truly ‘off-the-wall’.

Can we help you?

Reinvigorating any disused space with our eye-catching wall branding provides an excellent opportunity to extend your brand’s reach while freshening up your workspace and sparking conversation.

From decorating transitional spaces to installing photo murals or novelty graphics, BISON’s wall sticker printing services tastefully and sustainably transform your hallways and foyers to channel your brand’s message.

Jenna Bidewell at Bison Print

All of our durable wallpapers are thick, tactile, textured, and even metallic, while our vinyl coverings are resistant, water-proof, and fire-rated.

Most importantly, all of our wall branding products are made using ethical sticker printing materials and practices — now that’s the BISON difference.

Call the team today on 01622 677541 to find out more about our unique luxury wall sticker printing services.

Cognicity feature wall graphics